Delhi Data Management Solutions
Digital Storage Advantages
With scanning and coding, there is a one-time fee to digitize your file set. After that, you can distribute your file set by copying a single CD-ROM or providing password-protected access to your secure repository. System storage is significantly less expensive than warehousing multiple hard copy sets at several locations.

And your offsite war room is no longer packed with document boxes. A single CD can hold about 20,000 pages. A DVD can hold 1,20,000 pages of data. You can reduce a room full of paper to a single DVD.

Drastically reducing the overall cost of labor and paper storage while minimizing time spent reconstructing critical information in case of disaster, theft or loss.

Documents are secured by password.

A comprehensive security system allows the system administrator to control what users can or cannot do as well as what they can or cannot see. The system controls access to folders, documents and even redacted pages and text in a simple and complete manner. We backup our entire system daily with strict confidentiality and in case of a total loss due to a natural disaster, we can provide all the data.